Robin Foster (an adviser on strategy, policy and regulation in the media and communications sectors) argues that a changing television ecology can be seen as an opportunity to stabilise and even improve public service television, if a new leaner and less centralised approach is applied. Read Foster’s submission here
By Elen Hemnett, Mediatel
“Speaking at a Guardian Live panel debate on Wednesday, the Labour back-bencher and film producer said organisations can only flourish in an “atmosphere of confidence” – something that, under growing pressures from government, financial strain and rapid changes in viewer behaviour, is quickly diminishing at the BBC. “Organisations do not thrive, or change, or get better, when they feel themselves threatened,” said Puttnam, who has launched an independent inquiry into public service television”. Read the full article here
According to Catherine Johnson (University of Nottingham), ‘there is a strong argument that as traditional broadcast and internet services merge, the case for PSB becomes stronger’. Read Johnson’s submission here
‘Television is and will be a main factor in influencing the values and moral standards of our society’, and thus ‘by its nature broadcasting must be in a constant and sensitive relationship with the moral condition of society.’ The cultural historian Julian Petley (Brunel University) examines visionary and enduring values of the Pilkington Report. Read Petley’s submission here
According to Philip Ramsey (University of Nottingham Ningbo China), ‘the debate over PSB often seems to discount the fact that the commercial PSBs play a vital role within public service television outside of the BBC.’ Ramsey identifies strengthening of the first-run originations quotas as vital to maintaining a robust public service television system. Read Ramsey’s full submission here